April 20, 2011

How do I protest my own Dallas property taxes?

There are many steps involved in filing a Dallas property tax protest.  An abbreviated version of the property tax appeal process is below.
  • File a written property tax protest with the Dallas appraisal district by May 31st or 30 days from the date of Notice of Appraised Value
  • Research appraisal district records, review their data and understand how your home is classified
  • Analyze Appraisal District data to obtain sales and equity comparables in the neighborhood the District has you assigned to
  • Determine the best method to argue for a lower appraised value
  • Prepare a presentation, making sure to appropriately adjust all comparables
  • Travel to the Appraisal District, wait for an informal hearing with a representative from the District, sometimes spending hours waiting
  • If no agreement is reached informally, attend your scheduled Appraisal Review Board hearing at a later date
  • Present your research, under oath to the Appraisal Review Board and a representative from the Appraisal District
  • If the value the ARB decides on is not acceptable determine if filing Binding Arbitration or a lawsuit would be beneficial
Or let NTPTS handle ALL apsects of your property taxes for you.  Call 214-954-4103 and speak to the experts at NTPTS today to get started on your property tax appeal.